5th Grade I Need a Job PSP
Technology Component -
Username - gt5thblue@gmail.com
Password- 123456
Username - 5thredgt@gmail.com
Password- 123456
Google Slides -
Username - 5thredgt@gmail.com
Password- redgt1234
Username - gt5thblue@gmail.com
Password - bluegt1234
Username: gt.elem@plainview.k12.tx.us
Password: 123456
Career Inventories
1. Who R U?
2 My Next Move
3 Career Cluster Activity
4. What Career Matches Your Interest
5. Drive of Your Life
6. Career Zone
List of Careers
A - Z List of Jobs
100 Best Jobs
List of over 12,000 Careers
List of Careers and Occupations
Careers and Occupations Guide
Career Information - ABC order