• What Is Child Find?

    All children birth-21 with disabilities or suspected of having a disability, regardless of the severity of their disabilites, and who are in need of special educaiton and related services, must be identified, located, and evaluated.  Child Find is the process by which districts and public charter schools identify and locate children needing evaluation. 

    Who can be part of Child Find?

    • Any child age birth-21 with a disability or suspected of having a disability.
    • Anyone concerned about a child can contact the Child Find representative for additional information and next steps.
    • Districts are responsible for finding all students, including those parentally placed in private schools, children who are homeschooled and children who are homeless.
    • Public charter schools are responsible for finding all students, including whose who become homeless during enrollment.

    Disabilites & Services

    • If a student qualifies for district/charter special education services, these services are provided at no cost.
    • Children are evlauated to determine the presence of one or more of the following disabilities:

    ♦  Physical Disability  ♦  Deaf or Hard of Hearing  ♦  Visual Impairment  ♦  Deaf-Blindness  ♦  Intellectual Disability  ♦  Emotional Disturbance  ♦  Speech and/or Language

    ♦  Autism  ♦  Health Impairment  ♦  Traumatic Brain Injury  ♦  Learning Disability


    Brandy Tirey

    (806) 293-6090  •  brandy.tirey@plainviewisd.org

    2417 Yonkers, Plainview, Texas

    (806) 293-6091 (fax)