• ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!                                                                
    Welcome to Spanish class.
    Sra. Willey                                   
    room 55
    phone: 806 293- 6010
    Spanish I and Spanish II
    Fine Arts I
    Tutoring available;
    Monday, Wednesday after school.
    What to expect from learning languages.
    Learning a world language can be an exciting journey for students to become immersed in the lifestyle and customs of different people, regions and products of our world. Learning Spanish will assist students in their efforts to suceed to become lifelong learners of Spanish, and to become productive citizens in society.
    What should a student keep in mind to be successful?
    Here are some suggestions to help all students succeed:  All students should come to class ready to learn and never lose sight of the following:
    • Learning a language has different stages and many times students feel very lost as they begin to acquire listening and speaking skills, or they may feel overwhelmed with grammar content. This is a normal feeling to students and continued practice will help them work through those feelings.
    • Many times a student may feel unsure that they are giving the right response.  That does not mean they will not be successful. Patience and practice are vital keys.
    • Mistakes are a big part of the process of learning a foreign language.  We all feel the same uncertainity in the process....and that is OK. What is important is the effort put forth.
    • There are 5 aspects to learning a language:  Communication ( listening, reading, writing, speaking and culture).  Some speak well but need support in writing, others write well and need support in speaking and listening. We are here to work together to accomplish our goals.
    Always remember ... don't give up when things feel vague. This is a part of learning.

    What are the benefits of learning a world language?
    Spanish I and Spanish II prepare students to be lifelong learners and be successful in real world experiences.

    If you have any questions or concerns,  please contact me:
    email anatalia.willey@plainview.k12.tx.us  
    phone: 806 293-6010
    Semester one conference- Second period.

    Online tools and Websites: 