• Welcome, I'm  Mrs. Glynna Penney.  My family and I moved to Plainview in November of 2016.  In 1998, I graduated from Howard Payne University with a Bachelor of Music Education Degree-All Level.  This is my 11th year of teaching music education.  As a young person I fell in love with music and the joy it brings.  Music incorparates a host of beneficial elements:  singing, dancing, playing instruments, composing, improvising and develops performance skills while building self esteem.  All of these elements use and build upon reading and math skills.

    Plainview ISD uses the Quaver Music Curriculum.  Please see the Quaver Information page.

    I look forward to developing the music skills in the students of La Mesa and College Hill and can't wait to see how much they grow musically and personally.

    Always singing,

    Glynna Penney